Category: Uncategorized

  • My E-Waste Adventure in Being Defrauded

    This post is for those wanting to know how I ended up being defrauded of $300 in electronic scrap circuit boards. I met Michael McLean of St Catherines, Ontario on Facebook. He claimed to be a buyer of E-waste. I started messaging him about making a delivery of e-waste on my next trip to Ontario.…

  • A Collection of Future travel notes

    I just wanted to captures some links that I will find useful when travelling out east this year. I Ordered a Mini Camping stove off AliExpress. I hope to give a review later. Expected to arrive July 17th, before I go. Here’s a picture and the link for anyone who cares.

  • 2023 Summer Edition – Part 1

    What I’m Reading I bought this book at the Salvation Army Thrift Shop in Huntsville, Ontario when I was there in October 2022. I never got to read it until this year. It is an interesting read, but not a page turner (at least for me). Barack pours out pages of thought on the human…

  • Free Sounds at

    I’m still messing around with JWildfire, and using to make videos. Spring is here

  • JWildfire Fractals for Valentines Day

    My last post mentioned the software I’ve started learning: JWildfire. I posted a couple of images and quick videos made from the fractal imaging software on my instagram feed. Mostly the results of doing tutorials. I always like to have a purpose to my hobbies. To that end I’ll be making a collection (how many?…

  • The Season for Painting

    A little less yellow please. The attached neighbor would like the trim painted grey but all I have is white (sorry, not sorry grey is emo dull)