Category: Recycling
Make Your Own Silica Sand
Make silica sand from glass using a chain mill.
More Research on plastic recycling in alberta
This post is just a list of businesses that make use of waste plastic. Some may be able to help divert my small amount of plastic waste from recycling computers and other scrap materials. Glass Recycling I have been working on a glass crushing machine to make cullet out of glass bottles and other waste…
Day Binning
Real heroes save useful items from the trash every day. People with careers, investments and a desire to reduce waste poke their noses into garbage bins
So maybe it was Jesus who left an idea on the wind
Something about “today there’s a chinook and you better get out and take advantage of the warm weather by decorating a big tree” How do you get those balls on the tree when you only have a small ladder? My solution is to use copper wire to make the hook, and a long stick. The…
To Thubprint
Hello from the highlands of Wimborne Alberta. I hope, for you, the sunny days of spring bring a smile. Your YouTube Channel, Thubprint, has become a mainstay in my comfort viewing menu. Approximately once a week I throw tools into toolbox and pencil into office desk and kick back with a playlist of subscribed YouTube…