Category: Home Improvement

  • Fun tools I wish I owned

    drilling beams with Magdrill

  • Colour Matching For Painters

    I came across a great online tool for house painters and renovators today. The interesting thing is that I was looking at a computer image editing software when I found the tool. is a lightweight image editing tool that can be used directly from a USB stick. It is Open Source, and completely free.…

  • Nothing holds like a rusty nail.

    Part 2 of this bathroom redo. Here’s the link to the first part with some before pictures: The problem is not all the nails are rusty. This old style plank subfloor was nailed down without glue. The trouble is that you get nail pop which leads to squeaky floors. It’s unusual to see diagonal…

  • The Story of RRRx

    After the second, or third, drug-fueled carpentry remodels, this little house confused most people simply wanting to use the bathroom.

  • Peel-and-Stick Tiles

    Okay people I normally don’t put crap on Instagram but There it went… Re-doing this bathroom in Blackthorn. What’s wrong with it? Let me tell you: the floor is done with peel and stick plastic tiles. They installed vanity but were too lazy to pull out the old tiles which didn’t line up with the…

  • Getting Paid On Time

    In case you haven’t heard, there’s a slump in the oil prices around my neck of the woods. Alberta, Canada that is. Frankly I haven’t a clue what the prices are doing around the world. It’s been quite a while since I was working directly in the oil patch. My go-to source was “The DOB”,…