Category: Books and Reading
Alberta First Nations and Law
I thought I’d do my part for a friend who is putting together a lecture for the benefit of anyone interested in law, first nations studies, and Alberta Heritage. Ruth Gorman is the person-of-interest in this lecture. A book about her work with First Nations has been published: Behind the Man: John Laurie, Ruth Gorman,…
Winter Hibernation Is Over
This Blog has been sleeping. I’ve been working, however my posts have not gone to print. Lately the weather has been very spring-like in Alberta and I’m itching to get outside and do some landscaping. It’s not going to happen today. With spring comes the spring rain. Instead I’ve been busy with our own home…
The Name of Our Library
I’ve been wondering what to call our library in the basement. Really it’s not that big, but I have yet to count the books. They have been sorted into a fiction side (the left) and the non-fiction side. Below this level, we sorted out some major topics, such as religion ( it’s near the middle…
The Lonely Library of Thomas Hepburn
Built-ins are coming back into style. My house has a built-in bookshelf. I’m not that proud of it. It was one of those projects where a tight budget and a tight deadline ruled the project. On the other hand it does hold a lot of books, more that it should now that I look at…
How Much Does a House Weigh?
When you look for a house mover, you are most likely looking for someone to move the contents – boxes, bed, tables etc. – inside your current home to another one. There is another kind of house mover, one that moves the actual house. Most of these companies specialize in mobile homes. Mobile homes…