Ramblings! I’ll tell you what I don’t know, and so much more.

  • My Horoscope for 2022

    All hail Aquarius “If you have no enemies, you have no character. Taking a stand always creates opposition.” — Paul Newman (Jan. 26, 1925- Sept. 26, 2008)

  • Growth – A Theme Song

    Poetry and Trance Music

  • Video Playlist on Video Making

    I’ve created a playlist that I’ll share here on video tips and ideas for various applications.

  • Random Surfing, That’s What I like

    It’s not often I get a chance to random surf. But I took a little break to do just that. Here’s what I found: Flash, Not Flash Gordon…okay maybe him too Flash animation was great at the beginning, but it was always difficult to share and embed elsewhere. When social media came along, there were…

  • Nothing holds like a rusty nail.

    Part 2 of this bathroom redo. Here’s the link to the first part with some before pictures: https://www.thomashepburn.ca/2018/02/peelandstick/ The problem is not all the nails are rusty. This old style plank subfloor was nailed down without glue. The trouble is that you get nail pop which leads to squeaky floors. It’s unusual to see diagonal…

  • So maybe it was Jesus who left an idea on the wind

    Something about “today there’s a chinook and you better get out and take advantage of the warm weather by decorating a big tree” How do you get those balls on the tree when you only have a small ladder? My solution is to use copper wire to make the hook, and a long stick. The…

Got any book recommendations?