Ramblings! I’ll tell you what I don’t know, and so much more.
Shopping at Waste Management Canada
In rural Alberta there is a small town called Mirror. When someone refers to shopping at the Mirror mall, they are talking about the waste transfer station just outside town. There really is nowhere to go shopping In Mirror except the general store or the hardware store. If you want a good bicycle for a…
Rain-barrel Rack Part TWO
If you haven’t already, read Part One of this 2 part article on Rain barrel collection which goes over the platform that the barrels sit on. Here is the assembled product. Originally I mentioned that I was going to throw some plumbing into this article. So here it is.. I will admit that some of…
Rainbarrel Rack Part ONE
The images in the article have been affected by an old online storage provider I used to use a long time ago It seems that imageshack.us corrupted some (or all) of my images. I have since copied what was salvageable and placed in on my server. Some images do not have full sizes to view. …
An Internet Tail
You may notice that there was no post in March 2010. My apologies. I started this web log with the intention of making a good content rich article for the Jack of Trades Journal every month. So I put up an extra long article on a rain-barrel rack system as some sort of compensation. I…
The Shop’n’Fight Sydrome
At first I thought it was just my wife. I would think: Why does shopping for kitchen tiles turn into a big fight?!? Then I’d think maybe it was us. Maybe our marriage can’t handle the stress of kitchen design. Maybe it’s me! Maybe I am truly loathsome and don’t care about kitchen decor. I…
Google is Reading Your Blog Before You Do
I just finished tweeking my “About Me” section a little bit and when I finished uploading, I noticed that the advertisement was for the Canadian Oil sands website. The fact that the words petroleum, career, and technology are in the post has a lot to do with the advertisement that Google picked for me to…
Got any book recommendations?