Ramblings! I’ll tell you what I don’t know, and so much more.

  • Dull Tools Are Dangerous

    I’m quite a fan of having sharp tools. They get dull too quickly, which I tried to solve by not using them. This only made work go very slowly. The next thing I tried was developing a way to sharpen dull tools quickly, at the job-site. My favorite is the diamond plates from princessauto.com. They…

  • Project By Pictures

    That’s it.  Just a bunch of pictures showing the patio before and after the paving stones are laid down.  The retaining wall still has not been finished.  The cap stones are natural Siltstones from a field just 8 miles away.  It’s rare to find siltstone formations around here but we did.

  • FLOSS, FOSS, CC, Etc, Etc.

    FLOSS = Free Libre Open Source Software. FOSS = Free Open Source Software CC= Creative Commons Licencing Now that you know sort-of what I’m referring to, I just wanted to post an article on some of the applications I’ve been exploring and testing that mostly fall under the FLOSS category. By day I’m busy doing…

  • The Wife Suggested This Article

    I was bouncing ideas off my wife about what the topic of my next blog post.  She interrupted me and said “how about balancing work and personal projects??”  I got the hint right away.  If you look at the chart above, you’ll notice that at the bottom there is a project called “Home Laundry Area”. …

  • Are You Afraid of Analytics?

    These 3 videos had me laughing hard!  I moonlight as a web developer.  I’ve used Google’s Analytics before when I was webmaster for a petroluem consulting firm.  The application is very powerful.  I keep tabs on the tools Google provides to webmasters through their blog. One of their posts has these videos.  I just had…

  • Computers In Carpentry

    I’ve mentioned before that I used to work a lot in front of a computer.  I supported a group of geological engineers that made 3D models of the earths sub-surface.  Advanced computer graphics don’t scare me – except for those games with the nasty beasts in them.  I took a look at Trimble SketchUp over…

Got any book recommendations?