Ramblings! I’ll tell you what I don’t know, and so much more.

  • Getting Paid On Time

    In case you haven’t heard, there’s a slump in the oil prices around my neck of the woods. Alberta, Canada that is. Frankly I haven’t a clue what the prices are doing around the world. It’s been quite a while since I was working directly in the oil patch. My go-to source was “The DOB”,…

  • Open Book Publishing

    I found Open Book Publishers. They allow some of their books to be viewed in other websites, so I thought I’d try it out. This title is a dry read but the title caught my eye. There is a link inside the frame to view full screen…

  • Why I don’t Do Facebook

    I’m going to use an analogy for this. Stay with me. I want you to pretend for a moment that you have a little store. You are a storekeeper in a happy land. Then Tim Horton’s gives their coffee away for free to everyone. And everything changes.

  • Alberta First Nations and Law

    I thought I’d do my part for a friend who is putting together a lecture for the benefit of anyone interested in law, first nations studies, and Alberta Heritage. Ruth Gorman is the person-of-interest in this lecture.  A book about her work with First Nations has been published: Behind the Man: John Laurie, Ruth Gorman,…

  • Choosing Your Domain Name

    Info-graphics are neat.  I have been searching around for a good info-graphic that explains the open source initiative, but I haven’t found one I can post here. What I did find was a couple of good ones at http://www.whoishostingthis.com.  They allow other websites to hotlink to their images and even give the code snippit.  That’s…

  • From Rotten Window Sill To Finished Millwork

    No pictures wer taken of the huge window coming out, or the new windows going in. It would have made a great blog post, however it would have been too long. It took most of an afternoon. I thought the old windw would be around 350lbs but it was more like 450 lbs. In order…

Got any book recommendations?