Ramblings! I’ll tell you what I don’t know, and so much more.
Data Wrangling
I really like the term “Data Wrangler”. It’s the best title I can give to those people in charge of working with large amounts of data that is often messy and poorly formatted. The proper term is “Data Analyst” and more and more it seems to imply dealing with large amounts of data. Big data. …
Maps Online
Esri is putting out some open source API’s. Because of this there are new opportunities with creating plug-ins for WordPress. I was about to link to the ESRI Javascript API and create my own embedded map from ArcOnline. Someone beat me to it, namely Gavin Rehkemper, With the help of his brand new Plug-in…
Days Of My Life I Can’t Get Back
I decided to update to a new computer and do a fresh install of Windows 10. The old system I was using has Linux Mint with Cinnamon desktop. I say has since it is still acting as my document server. One week later and I’ve got most things working. It was so much more than…
15 Years of Website Development by Yours Truly
Prove it! It’s actually 17 years, but I can only prove I’ve been making websites since 2001. That’s when The Wayback Machine took it’s first snapshot of my personal website. Here is the link to snapshot of my page back then: http://web.archive.org/web/20010620104307/http://www.telusplanet.net/public/tomgh/ And here is the directory of all 32 archive shots: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.telusplanet.net/public/tomgh/ The Wayback…
International Day For Biodiversity
A really quick post, since it has been a few months since I posted anything. It’s not that there is nothing that I think is interesting to post, just that I’ve been busy on other website work and carpentry projects. I’ve been using the excuse that I have used my twitter account to post neat…
Billions of People Do Not Have Internet
4.3 Billion is the best guess. It’s often forgotten by us “First World” people that there are many – the majority of the worlds population in fact – That have never “gone online”. I’ve wanted to repost a map I saw in National Geographic showing a world map done in black with every IP address…
Got any book recommendations?