Ramblings! I’ll tell you what I don’t know, and so much more.

  • To Thubprint

    Hello from the highlands of Wimborne Alberta. I hope, for you, the sunny days of spring bring a smile. Your YouTube Channel, Thubprint, has become a mainstay in my comfort viewing menu. Approximately once a week I throw tools into toolbox and pencil into office desk and kick back with a playlist of subscribed YouTube…

  • Facebook and Phishing for Catfish

    I am seriously wondering when the worlds attraction to social media will implode. I’ve been waiting for over a decade now. Take care of your own data! I’ve just heard on the following podcast that Huber Engineered Wood Ltd. used Instagram to educate clients about improvements in building techniques and product use. The account got…

  • What 3 Words Are You?

    One of my favorite mapping tools is what3words. I’ve updated the contact forms to include a location autosuggest for filling out a 3word address. The CSS keeps messing up the display, but that’s another days work.

  • First Blog Post of 2019: E-Waste

    I’ve been researching e-waste and found some disturbing gaps in Canada’s handling of recyclable material.

  • 2018 Fall Reading

    We had one of our relatives downsize a lifetimes worth of reading. We had to sadly let boxes and boxes of books be donated simply for the lack of space in our home. We did take a small sampling of books. I’ve been going through some of them. I’ve updated Openlibrary.org where needed. Here’s what…

  • The Story of RRRx

    After the second, or third, drug-fueled carpentry remodels, this little house confused most people simply wanting to use the bathroom.

Got any book recommendations?