Author: Thomas

  • Fall Streamers

    Fall Streamers

    Nothing to say here. It’s fall, one of the best seasons. No bugs (well, some flies), cool nights and warm days (mostly). I finally got around to installing my own news aggregator on Any suggestions, just send them my way. And a fractal image, of course. (click on image for full size)

  • 2023 Summer Edition – Part 2

    A Few Interesting Websites I read another book in July and August! A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry The story explores the lives of the poor, middle class and the wealthy in India through a group of main characters whose lives intertwine throughout the novel. Not a book full of joy and happy endings,…

  • 2023 Summer Edition – Part 1

    What I’m Reading I bought this book at the Salvation Army Thrift Shop in Huntsville, Ontario when I was there in October 2022. I never got to read it until this year. It is an interesting read, but not a page turner (at least for me). Barack pours out pages of thought on the human…

  • Summer Heat – Is It Caused by Computers?

    It was a little hot last night, so I got up and made a few fractal movies on the computer, not thinking that this would make the house even hotter! The Movie needed a little extra, so I threw it into ShotCut and looked up some music from, I want to thank user “brainmack”…

  • A couple more fractal images

    Here are a couple more images you can have, my dear internet.

  • Free Sounds at

    I’m still messing around with JWildfire, and using to make videos. Spring is here