Author: Thomas

  • Spot Welder and The Lithium Battery Adventure

    I have been learning about lithium batteries and how to refurbish and build battery sets for various applications. I bought a Spot Welder from China I got it off AliExpress. I found it was recommended from this Youtube Video: Here is the description (from seller) DescriptionThe welding process is based on the principle of high…

  • Solar System Extreme Budget

  • A Collection of Future travel notes

    I just wanted to captures some links that I will find useful when travelling out east this year. I Ordered a Mini Camping stove off AliExpress. I hope to give a review later. Expected to arrive July 17th, before I go. Here’s a picture and the link for anyone who cares.

  • Some More Interesting

    Some More Interesting

    Musings on AI and reading websites directy using Microsoft’s Copilot

  • Make Your Own Silica Sand

    Make Your Own Silica Sand

    Make silica sand from glass using a chain mill.

  • Appliance Repair – Reprise

    Appliance Repair – Reprise

    This is more of a follow-up to my first post: Read it here The washing machine started acting up – again. This time the symptoms did not match any of the usual diagnosis patterns suggested on YouTube or Reddit. I think it’s a faulty Timer/Selector switch.