Author: Thomas
How Much Does a House Weigh?
When you look for a house mover, you are most likely looking for someone to move the contents – boxes, bed, tables etc. – inside your current home to another one. There is another kind of house mover, one that moves the actual house. Most of these companies specialize in mobile homes. Mobile homes…
The Golden Age of the Internet
I like this. A Theme that was meant to give kickbacks to some spammer, now is being used for the good of all woodworkers. I’m burning the candle at both ends. I’ve been busy with a basement renovation job and look forward to staying up all night figuring out all the possibilities of WordPress plugins.…
The Time Wasted On Maintaining a Computer
Before Christmas I was looking to do the family Christmas letter. I had been using a version of Corel Draw that was installed on my laptop from an employer a number of years ago. I decided to do a fresh install of the operating system and formatted the hard drive. When I went to re-install…
Trust Between Client and Business
When a family hires a contractor to do work on their home, they are placing a lot of trust in that company or person. Our home is a personal living area. Home is the place we go after the work day is done. We can relax or get back to our favorite hobbies. Our family…
Summer Vacation
I just got back from my summer vacation in Ontario. The vacation had a certain work aspect to it, but when you enjoy what you do, it seems less like work. I helped my brother out with a few items on his “to-do” list. During our banter around his reno-house, he was most interested in…
Water, Water Everywhere…None to Drink
Currently I have been keeping myself busy on the homestead. We are looking at getting a new water treatment system for the house. I was at the Red Deer Home and Acreage Show in March and gathered some information. We are expected to go with Culligan since they manufacture the products they sell. If you…