Author: Thomas

  • Why I don’t Do Facebook

    I’m going to use an analogy for this. Stay with me. I want you to pretend for a moment that you have a little store. You are a storekeeper in a happy land. Then Tim Horton’s gives their coffee away for free to everyone. And everything changes.

  • Alberta First Nations and Law

    I thought I’d do my part for a friend who is putting together a lecture for the benefit of anyone interested in law, first nations studies, and Alberta Heritage. Ruth Gorman is the person-of-interest in this lecture.  A book about her work with First Nations has been published: Behind the Man: John Laurie, Ruth Gorman,…

  • Choosing Your Domain Name

    Info-graphics are neat.  I have been searching around for a good info-graphic that explains the open source initiative, but I haven’t found one I can post here. What I did find was a couple of good ones at  They allow other websites to hotlink to their images and even give the code snippit.  That’s…

  • From Rotten Window Sill To Finished Millwork

    No pictures wer taken of the huge window coming out, or the new windows going in. It would have made a great blog post, however it would have been too long. It took most of an afternoon. I thought the old windw would be around 350lbs but it was more like 450 lbs. In order…

  • Gardening and Outdoor Projects

        I’ve had a little bit of a break from work, which is good. There are many projects around the acreage that need my attention. The first one is a little fence mending. Time flies by and it seems like yesterday but it was 6 years ago that I put up the fence on…

  • WordPress Maintenance and the CMS Calendar

    Websites today are a lot more like software than static pages of text and pictures. Web developers use CMS (Content Management Systems) for building websites (e.g. this site uses WordPress).   There are dozens of website CMS applications Like any software, you must continuously update it.  The site that’s visible to the public might not change…