This post is for those wanting to know how I ended up being defrauded of $300 in electronic scrap circuit boards.
I met Michael McLean of St Catherines, Ontario on Facebook. He claimed to be a buyer of E-waste. I started messaging him about making a delivery of e-waste on my next trip to Ontario. In the summer of 2024 I drove out to meet him and drop of the e-waste. Michael had stated beforehand that valuation and payment is not immediate, but within 30 days. I agreed to the terms. It took Michael one month to give a price, and has never paid after many reminders that his account with me is in default of payment.
It’s only $300 (Board Sort Value: $500 USD)
Yes, not a lot of money, but when does it become acceptable to have someone not pay you for good you give them? $5?, $10, $100?, How about never? Sadly it’s one of the reasons I did not take out more scrap to sell. I was calling it a “test run” to see if a long term business arrangement could be made. Big fat ‘Nope’ is the answer.
I hope Michael doesn’t make a habit of this shitty little trick. Life is not worth walking through wondering if your last victim is watching you.
If you think me the fool for agreeing to the sale terms, you are right. And you are wrong. I’m not a fool, it was an obvious red flag. But I live by “no risk, no reward”. The risk was small – I lost 300 lbs of junk that has no value in Alberta.
Where’s the proof for all my accusations? Again, being careful means keeping records. Screen shots of the conversations. I had no idea who this Micheal character was. Turns out, not that great. Glad I was careful, otherwise I’d have nothing to back up my claim. Michael McLean even tried to partially delete sections about value and payment without me noticing.