A Few Interesting Websites
- https://photomosh.com/ An online tool for applying a wide variety of filters to your images
- https://picsum.photos/ The Lorem Ipsum for photos, basically a web dev tool.
- https://clipchamp.com/en/ now a Microsoft product, free online video editor.
- https://appinventor.mit.edu/ MIT website to help kids make Apps (and adults too)
- https://www.osinttechniques.com/ OSINT stands for Open Source INTelligence
- https://goblin.tools/ a collection of small, simple, single-task tools, mostly designed to help neurodivergent people with tasks they find overwhelming or difficult….Using AI.
I read another book in July and August!

A Fine Balance
by Rohinton Mistry
The story explores the lives of the poor, middle class and the wealthy in India through a group of main characters whose lives intertwine throughout the novel. Not a book full of joy and happy endings, but rather a sombre look at the struggle of people under a faulty government working with a huge population.