Part 2 of this bathroom redo. Here’s the link to the first part with some before pictures:
The problem is not all the nails are rusty. This old style plank subfloor was nailed down without glue. The trouble is that you get nail pop which leads to squeaky floors. It’s unusual to see diagonal plank subfloors in a house built in 1971. However that’s the case here. Usually houses built from the 1970s on have sheet OSB subfloor. I’m finding a lot of outdated building methods in this duplex
Solution: check all planks with hammer slam. pull loose nails and screw down

I call this a checkpoint. Every project needs checkpoints. Some people do these without even thinking about it. ( See @johnataction for business coaching.) It’s usually when I pull out my vacuum cleaner. I check to see if there’s any items that have been missed; possibly additional costs. Measurements are taken at this point and plans for the new build, material options are considered – basically “Are we on track with this project? ” After I’ve done this it’s time to go shopping. If it’s a paying job I enjoy it since I’m spending someone else’s money. In this case it’s my own bathroom. In either case I’m very conscious of value and price of materials.