fractal art image in blue and orange


My name is Thomas Hepburn.  I’m glad you dropped by my little virtual office.  There’s not much room in the real one, but out here it goes on forever.  This site is a blog and a site for people interested in getting to know who I am and what I do.

Do you have much time?  In a hurry? I’ll be here whenever you need a break.

I Build Websites…sometimes

Usually I just maintain websites.  I have 10+ years of web development experience and have been making websites since 1998.  I offer services to small businesses wanting to get started in web marketing and online content management.

For those who have dreams of an e-commerce site, I have some comic relief for you.  A video by Google Analytics Team.  Quite funny.

I support open source initiatives in many different forms.  Many of them I use to create client’s websites and in turn help with debugging and documentation in the community.  See below and click on any icon to take you to the website’s homepage to learn more about it/them.

Invoice Ninja Logo

Open Refine Logo
Mozilla Firefox Logo

Client Login Link

Lastpass logo

With Lastpass I get a referral credit if you click through.  Thank you.

And here is the only advertisement you will see on this site.  I get direct kick-backs when you host through them…when you click the link and sign up.  Or you can just have me do the dirty work.

Choose me.


Thomas G. Hepburn


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